Dan Dan Noodles with Ground Beef

This is my adaptation of a Fuchsia Dunlop recipe from her book The Food of Sichuan. She writes, “The following is my own re-creation of a legendary and unique version of dandan noodles served in a tiny restaurant near Sichuan University… These noodles are not for the faint-hearted—they are shamelessly spicy, but utterly delicious.” These dan dan noodles were even more satisfyingly delicious than I’d imagined AND it took almost no time to make, which shocked me. This is going to become a regular thing. If Fuchsia Dunlop’s is a re-creation, then mine is even one step further removed—an adaptation of a re-creation. I’ve changed some of the promotions I hope you will make it your own.

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Katherine's Simple Ramen with Baked Salmon and Ginger

This recipe shared enthusiastically with us by Katherine Deumling of Cook with What You Have is incredibly simple, and that’s the beauty. You’ll have to start with a store-bought or homemade broth, but once that’s in the bag, the rest comes together easily. The salmon recipe, on its own, is a keeper! Katherine is right: The fresh ginger is the key here!

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Lola's Yakisoba with Brussels

Traditionally, yakisoba would be served with cabbage, but Brussels are a great replacement, offering their own distinct flavor and vivid color. Because you're shredding the Brussels sprouts, there's no need to core them. My secret is to simply use the Cuisinart shredder. I pop the Brussels in one by one and save myself all the work of cutting. This recipe is a riff on one our dear friend Jane Hashimawari of Ippai PDX shared with us. I almost always top with a bit of Kewpie mayonnaise because it takes it to 100.

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